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Brainbow (Paediatrics)

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The UK’s first rehabilitation service for children with brain tumours. Launched in 2013, Brainbow is a unique partnership between independent charities – Anna’s Hope, Camille’s Appeal, Tom’s Trust, and more recently, Joshua Tarrant Trust – working with Addenbrooke’s Hospital to fund and provide a pioneering rehabilitation service in the East of England for all children with brain tumours. Brainbow is supported by charities but is not a charity itself.

Brainbow Logo

Brainbow service


Video transcript: Brainbow

00:00:15,760 --> 00:00:17,160

The frame

00:00:17,160 --> 00:00:22,680

based service came about as a collaboration

between Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge

00:00:22,920 --> 00:00:28,800

and three independent charities,

and the Hope Camille's appeal and Tom's trust.

00:00:29,400 --> 00:00:34,320

Each of the three charities

has a personal interest in brain tumours.

00:00:34,760 --> 00:00:40,800

Brain based service is an innovative

paediatric neuro oncology rehabilitation service

00:00:41,120 --> 00:00:45,120

based Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge.

00:00:57,200 --> 00:00:57,560

The brain

00:00:57,560 --> 00:01:03,000

based service is a unique team

because it is multidisciplinary

00:01:03,000 --> 00:01:07,000

and the different disciplines work very,

very closely together

00:01:22,120 --> 00:01:23,760

within the team at the moment.

00:01:23,760 --> 00:01:27,080

We have a project.

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We have a clinical lead and then we also have

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the therapy team, which includes physiotherapists,

speech and language

00:01:35,920 --> 00:01:40,320


occupational therapist and clinical psychology.

00:01:50,600 --> 00:01:53,160

We have a very unique approach

00:01:53,160 --> 00:01:58,560

which involves seeing all brain tumour patients

when they come in to hospital.

00:01:58,560 --> 00:02:02,280

So that's actually before the surgery.

We see them.

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We take into account that things change over time.

00:02:06,720 --> 00:02:13,000

So for our service, we very much target

the transition points that children have.

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We understand that even seemingly

00:02:22,160 --> 00:02:27,440

small issues can have a major impact

on the child's quality of life.

Partnership charities

Brainbow has been made possible by the generous collaboration of four regional charities - all of whom have personal experience of having children with brain tumours.

Addenbrooke's charitable trust (ACT) logo
Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust (ACT) is the official charity of CUH, helping to support our hospitals in all fields.
Anna's Hope logo
Anna's Hope is a Stamford based charity supporting children and young people with brain tumours in the East of England.
Camille's Appeal logo
Camille’s Appeal was founded in 2009 following the diagnosis of Camille with a brain tumour, when she was just two years old.
Joshua Tarrant Trust logo
Joshua Tarrant Trust is a Haverhill based charity, supporting children with brain tumours and their families.
Tom's Trust logo
Tom’s Trust is dedicated to providing Clinical Psychologists for children with brain tumours. Set up in memory of Tom Whiteley who died aged only 9.

Attend Anywhere video consultation

Did you know your outpatient appointment for this service may now be done by video consultation using Attend Anywhere. This enables you to be able to attend your appointment from home, saving you time and money.

Find out more about outpatient video appointments

The service consists of a multi-disciplinary team which includes physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, clinical psychology, and education.  The team is supported by admin and management, as well as a clinical lead.

Brainbow is part of the paediatric oncology and haematology department.

What does Brainbow do?

  • Brainbow’s aim is to help children with brain tumours reach their full potential.
  • Brainbow provides coordinated specialist neuro-rehabilitation assessment and treatment for children and young people with brain tumours.
  • Brainbow is able to provide children with brain tumours with specialist rehabilitation support and continuity of care throughout their journey i.e. from their diagnosis, during their hospital admission and beyond (outpatient appointments).

What is the Brainbow mission?

To ensure all children with brain tumours reach their full potential.

Who does Brainbow see?

Brainbow sees children previously and newly diagnosed with a brain tumour, under the age of 16, in the East of England.  Children with brain tumours are referred from all parts of the East of England.

Brainbow will now consider out-of-area referrals for children up to the age of 16. A package has been developed and can be tailored depending on the patient’s need to ensure they receive the best possible care. Further details can be obtained on 01223 596163  or

Frequently asked questions for families and carers

Here are the answers to some of our frequently asked questions.


All patients referred to the neuro-oncology service at Addenbrooke’s will automatically receive input from Brainbow.

Patient stories

Patient support links

Brainbow Annual Report