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Gill Shelton

Staff governor

Gill Shelton

I am still learning.


My current role

I became a staff governor in 2021 and am the Associate Chief Pharmacist for Workforce.

My current role entails leadership for education, training and workforce development across all staff groups within CUH Pharmacy. I am also the Pharmacy lead for staff engagement, communication and the departmental guardian for staff wellbeing, equality, diversity and inclusion.

I strongly believe that the staff at CUH are the organisation's greatest asset and that every staff member should have a voice that can be heard equally. Being a staff governor enables me to jointly represent the staff voice and to champion the issues that are important to staff across the Trust.

Previous history

I have worked for CUH since 2001 in a number of different clinical and non-clinical roles within the department. During this time, I have also undertaken a teacher practitioner role for Homerton College (now Anglia Ruskin University) and a regional role with the School of Pharmacy at UEA.

Personal interests

Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my family, gardening and learning foreign languages.